キューバン サルサ ダンス レッスン 教室 スケジュール 東京(新宿・池袋)
曜日(場所) |
時間 |
レッスン |
料金 |
水曜日 大久保赤レンガトライスタジオ |
①19:00-20:00 ②20:00-21:30 |
①基礎/入門ルンバ ②基礎/入門サルサ |
①¥2,000 ②¥2,500 2レッスン¥3500 |
木曜日 池袋ルンバ |
①19:00-20:00 ②20:00-21:30 |
①基礎/入門ソン ②基礎/入門サルサ |
①¥2,000 ②¥2500w1d 2レッスン¥3500w1d |
土曜日 新宿永谷スタジオ |
16:15-18:00 |
初級サルサ |
¥2,500 |
日曜日 新宿永谷スタジオ |
11:00-12:45 |
基礎/入門サルサ |
¥2,500 |
どのレッスンも初めての方から参加できます |
水曜日 Wednesday
- 大久保赤レンガトライスタジオ
- 東京都新宿区百人町 1-24-8 新宿タウンプラザビル 3F
- 080-4204-0859
19:00~20:00 | 基礎/入門ルンバレッスン | ¥2,000w1d |
20:00~21:30 | 基礎/入門サルサレッスン | ¥2,500w1d ※ 2レッスン¥3,500 |
19時からの Cuban Rumba クラスは主にワワンコ、コルンビア2種類のルンバをやります。生徒さんのレベル、希望に合わせて、でもしっかりレッスンさせていだだきます。自分のルンバが即興でちゃんとできるようになることを目指します。なるべく女性はスカーフか長めのスカート、男性はハンカチを持ってきてください。
8時からの基礎・入門のCuban Salsa クラスは基礎を掘り下げてゆっくりステップ、ムーブメントそしてペアワークを練習していきます。ルンバ、サルサレッスン共、初めての方もお気軽にぜひいらしてください。慣れてこられたら応用もすこしずつ挑戦します。
木曜日 Thursday
- 池袋 La Rumba
- 東京都豊島区池袋2-23-2シャンテB1
- 03-5960-1753
- salsalarumba.web.fc2.com
19:00~20:00 | キューバンソン 初級 | ¥2,000/w1d |
20:00~20:30 | 無料体験サルサ | 無料 |
20:30~21:30 | 基礎/入門キューバンサルサ | ¥2,500/w1d ※2レッスン¥3,500 |
木曜日は池袋 La Rumbaで、ソンとサリルサの入門/基礎レッスンです。La Rumbaは鏡もしっかりしていて練習にはもってこいですよ。そしてラルンバの床はいいですよ。クッションを置いて床をひきさらにまたクッションを置いて床を貼ってある、2層に作りこまれた床なのです。足腰を傷めない作りになっています。
19時からは週に一度のCuban Sonのクラスです。
20時から30分間はCuban Salsaの基本的なステップ、ムーブメント、ペアワークをじっくりやります。まったく初めての方はアシスタントの方が細かく丁寧にお教えさせていただきます。
20時半からの1時間は基本的なキューバン サルサのペアワークレッスン。音響もしっかりしているし、このスペースを使えるのは贅沢なかんじですよ。
土曜日 Saturday
- 新宿永谷スタジオ 1F
- 東京都新宿区歌舞伎町2-45-5 永谷ビル1F
- 080-4204-0859
16:15~18:00 | キューバンサルサ初級クラス | ¥2,500
新宿駅の西口から徒歩10分、西武新宿駅からは3分。広くてきれいなスタジオです。土曜日のキューバン サルサ レッスン。初めての方でも大丈夫です。たっぷり1時間45分のレッスンです。
キューバンサルサを踊るうえでの基礎練習を繰り返したのしく練習します。初めの1時間弱は基礎ムーブメント、ステップ練習。後半1時間はキューバン サルサ のペアワークをゆっくり習得していきます。特に初めての方はゆっくり基礎をアシスタントの方と繰り返しやります。
※ 場所が少々見つけづらいので、初めての方は少し時間に余裕を持ってきてください。
日曜日 Sunday
- 新宿永谷スタジオ 1F
- 東京都新宿区歌舞伎町2-45-5 永谷ビル1F
- 080-4204-0859
11:00~12:45 | はじめてのキューバンサルサ基礎/入門レッスン | ¥2,300 |
日曜日、お昼の基礎/入門のキューバン サルサダンス クラスです。駅から近くきれいなバレエスタジオでのレッスンです。なかなか平日のクラス等に参加できない方、最初から初級レッスンやクラブレッスンはちょっと、、とためらわれる方の為に日曜日のお昼にサルサクラスを作らせていただきました。 レベルは初めての方が参加しやすい基礎、入門になります。繰り返し基礎のステップとペアワークを練習する、初めての方、1,2年未満の初心者の方向けの優しい キューバンサルサレッスンです。老若男女問わずどなたもお気軽に参加くださいね。20代から70代以上までの方たちが来られています。女性と踊るので男性はなるべく清潔な服装を心がけてくださいね。予約等はいりません。
※ 場所が見つからない場合は私の携帯にお電話ください。
- プライベートレッスンのご案内
- 基礎/入門サルサクラスは初めての方は¥500 割引きになります。30歳以下の方は土日は¥500割引きになります。
- 月曜日、水曜日のレッスンはすべて1ドリンク付のお値段になります。
- すべての私のレッスンに予約等は不要です(一部の登録制・予約制クラスは除く)。お気軽に動きやすい服装でいらしてください。
- 男性の方に注意していただきたいのですが、女生徒との距離が近くなります。清潔な服装で臭い等にも気をつけてましょう。みんなが継続して楽しく練習できる環境作りを心がけてください。
★ Wednesday ★
- Okubo-Akarenga-Try studio
- 3F,1-24-8 hyakunin-cyou, Shinjuku-ku,
- 080-4204-0859
19:00~20:00 | Beginners Rumba Class | ¥2,000 |
20:00~22:00 | Beginners Cuban salsa class | ¥2,500 ※ For two consecutive lessons ¥3,000 |
At Studio Space K, a 7 minute walk from the west exit of Shinjuku station, classes
on Rumba start at 19:00 and Cuban salsa movements, steps, and pair dancing at
20:00. The focus is placed on basics, taking time in practicing and perfecting
The rumba lesson from 19:00 is mainly on two types of rumba; Guaguanco and Columbia. Level of each lesson will be adjusted to those of participants. The goal is to enable impromptu dancing on your own. Its preferable that ladies bring long skirts, and men handkerchiefs. You can leave them at the Studio, if you’d like.
The two-hour Cuban salsa class from 8:00 will practice the basics in more depth, spending more time on them than at my lessons at clubs. In a friendly atmosphere, we have good practice sessions in this class and a lot of fun, so
please come without hesitation. For my dance lessons, salsa lessons, and rumba
classes, anyone, including first timers, are all welcome. As you become familiar with the basics, we’ll gradually start to challenge on their application to your dancing style.
Indoor shoes are preferable, though you could also practice in bare feet. I recommend ballet shoes, since they are inexpensive and easy to carry around.
※ For first timer, the place may be a little difficult to find, so allow some extra time in coming.
If you cannot find it, just call me on my mobile phone.
★ Thursday ★
- Ikebukuro, La Rumba
- Shante B1, 2-23-2 Ikebukuro, Toshimaku, Tokyo
- 03-5960-1753
- salsalarumba.web.fc2.com
19:00~20:00 | Cuban Son Beginners class | ¥2,000/w1d |
20:00~20:30 | First time salsa try-out: no charge | no charge |
20:30~21:30 | Cuban salsa Beginners class | ¥2,300/w1d |
21:30~ | Dance time | |
From first timers to more experienced
dancers, the lesson aims to assure solid improvement. Even if this is your first time trying out salsa, come without any concerns. Ikebukuro La Rumba, with its mirrored wall, makes it an ideal place for practicing. Also its unique trait, the three layers of wood placed on the dancing floor is soft on your feet, helping to avoid leg and hip injuries.
From 19:00 we have the only class for Cuban son in the week.
Son is a wonderful music born in Cuba. The class will take the time to learn and practice the rhythm, movements and steps of son. Dancing the heartfelt music
of son is sure to spice up your salsa dancing too!
From 20:00, 30 minutes will be spend on basic steps, movements and pair work of salsa. If its your first time – no worries – my assistants will carefully go over the
steps with you to get you familiar with them.
From 20:30, an hour is spend on Cuban
salsa pair dancing. And after the lesson from 21:30 to 22:30, you can enjoy
dancing with a variety of people. The sound system is good and you’ll feels a
little luxe dancing here. We’ll have fun. A 3-year old havana club, water, and cola are available. You can also bring your own drink, if you prefer a beer or any others after the lesson.
- Shinjuku Space K
- 3F, 7-14-11 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo
- 080-4204-0859
- cubansalsa.net
19:30~20:30 | Show dance beginners class | ¥1500 |
20:30~21:45 | Reggaeton beginners class | ¥2,000 ※ For two consecutive lessons ¥2,500 |
19:30 – 20:30 Show dance class
At Shinjuku Studio K, a 7 minute walk from the west exit of Shinjuku station, a class starting at 19:30 will cover basic movements and steps of son, salsa suelta, and show dance, etc. Its a beginners class for individual salsa dancing. I think this would be an important element to master even for pair salsa dancers in clubs.
20:30 -21:45 is a beginners reggaeton class. Starting from catching the rhythm, and then to body movements with the goal of being able to dance on your own. This once a week class is a work out but a lot of fun. You may find it a little difficult in the beginning but lets be challenging. Energy consumption may be the highest for this lesson. Please note that there is no pair dancing in this class – I think its also important to be able to dance on your own. The studio is open from 7:00, so come early if you would like to warm up and do a little stretching
before the class.
★ Saturday ★
- 1F, 2-45-5 Kabuki-cyou, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
- 080-4204-0859
16:15~18:00 | Cuban Salsa Beginners Class | ¥2,500
Saturday Cuban salsa lesson at the dance studio with a feeling of the Showa era, conveniently located 7 minutes on foot from the west exit of Shinjuku-station. Even for first time dancers, no worries, we’ll take it slow and easy.
The class will repeat the basics of Cuban salsa dancing and have fun practicing them. During the first hour more or less, we’ll practice the basic movements and steps. In the second hour, we will progressively work on the Cuban salsa pair dance. First time comers will practice the basics, step by step, with my assistants.
You should come in easy to move in attire and also bring a pair of indoor
shoes. If you do not have one, socks can do the trick, bare feet is also OK.
Sometimes I dance barefooted too.
Like other lessons, no reservation is required. Feel free to drop by on your own.
In this class, I hope to share with you my take on the fun, chic-style, and skill advancement of salsa dancing.
※ For first timer, the place may be a little difficult to find, so allow some extra timein coming.
If you cannot find it, just call me on my mobile phone.
★ Sunday ★
- 1F, 2-45-5 Kabuki-cyou, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
- 080-4204-0859
11:00~12:45 | Introduction to Cuban salsa | ¥2,500 |
A Sunday daytime cuban salsa class is
held for those that find it difficult to attend classes during weekdays, or those that have reservations about going to the beginners class or club lessons. The level is attuned to those coming for the first time, an introductory class. Its an easy to follow class for first time dancers and
those that have less than one or two years of experience, repeating the basic
steps and pair work. Men and women of all ages are welcome – in fact we have
participants from their twenties to their seventies. Since the pair work will involve dancing with the ladies in class, male participants are requested to ensure clean clothing. No reservation is required.
Outdoor shoes are not allowed in the studio so bring a pair of indoor shoes.
Socks may also be appropriate in the beginning.
※ For first timer, the place may be a little difficult to find, so I allow some extra time in coming.
If you cannot find the place, just call me.
- On private lessons
If you would like to really focus on your lesson or have reservations about joining a group, or would like to concentrate your efforts on a particular genre of Cuban dance, private lesson may be the answer for you.
Video taping is allowed freely and I can go the place of your choice if within the greater Tokyo Metropolitan area.
- The Sunday beginners salsa class will be
discounted ¥500 for first time comers.
- Club lesson fees include one drink.
- No reservation is required for my lessons
(excluding those reserved or registered in advance). Feel free to come to any of the classes with clothes that are easy to move in.
- A special note for those male
participants, since pair dancing will bring you in close contact with the ladies attending the class. Please attend to your clothing, making sure of its cleanliness, odor, etc. An effort by everyone to ensure an environment that is comfortable for all to continue with the lessons is appreciated.
- At Shinjuku Space K on Saturdays there
is a basic ballet class conducted by Instructor Sugiura for an hour and a half
starting from 10:45. If interested please refer to the notices section. Also on
Saturdays from 2:00 to 4:00 we have a class for performance dancing. You can
come and see them both, if interested.